8/26/24 Regular Board Meeting

Dustin Williams, Board President

Jennifer Hedrick, Interim CFO/Treasurer

______ Mr. Williams
______ Mr. Kisabeth
______ Dr. McBride
______ Mr. Perez
______ Mrs. Stephey


Present were:

Mr. Dustin Williams

Mr. Larry Kisabeth

Dr. Meagan McBride

Mr. Victor Perez

Mrs. Heidi Stephey


The Board members, including the administration, will review the agenda. The Board must approve any additions, deletions, or corrections.

______ Dr. McBride
______ Mr. Perez
______ Mrs. Stephey
______ Mr. Kisabeth
______ Mr. Williams


The agenda was adopted with the following correction and deletion:

Page 4

Under 6.8 Employ Support Staff 2024-2025 

Remove Kevin Sherer, Custodian

Correct Bradley Williams Willman

Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Meagan McBride, Board Member

Seconded: Heidi Stephey, Board Member

Dustin Williams, Board MemberX  
Victor Perez, Board MemberX  
Dr. Meagan McBride, Board MemberX  
Larry Kisabeth, Board MemberX  
Heidi Stephey, Board MemberX  

  • Staff appreciation for beginning of school year.
  • Congratulations to student athletes for successful start to seasons.
  • Football to Chardon this weekend.
  • Thank you to families for support and participation.


Per Board Policy BDDH: Each person addressing the Board shall give his/her name and address. If several people wish to speak, each person is allotted three minutes until the total time of 30 minutes is used. During that period, no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity to do so. The period of public participation may be extended by a vote of the majority of the Board, present and voting.
Persons wishing to submit comment can do so by emailing tcs_boardcomments@tiffincityschools.org. The meeting will be publicly available via Facebook.




The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education approve the consent agenda: Action by the Board of Education in Adoption of the Consent Agenda means that all Consent Agenda items are adopted by one single motion unless a member of the Board or the Interim Superintendent requests that any such item be removed from the consent agenda and voted upon separately. Employments, where applicable, are contingent upon 1) Verification of education and experience; 2) Proof of proper certification/licensure; 3) Favorable results from a criminal records check.

______ Dr. McBride
______ Mr. Perez
______ Mrs. Stephey
______ Mr. Kisabeth
______ Mr. Williams


Approved with the above stated changes.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Meagan McBride, Board Member

Seconded: Larry Kisabeth, Board Member

Dustin Williams, Board MemberX  
Victor Perez, Board MemberX  
Dr. Meagan McBride, Board MemberX  
Larry Kisabeth, Board MemberX  
Heidi Stephey, Board MemberX  

6.1 Approve Minutes

The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education approve the following minutes, as exhibited:

  • 6/24/24 Special Meeting/Work Session 
  • 6/24/24 Regular Meeting
  • 7/11/24 Special Meeting


Result: Approved

6.2 Approve Treasurer's Report

The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education approve the attached Treasurer's reports, as exhibited.


Result: Approved

6.3 Approve Committee Reports

The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education approve the attached Committee Reports, as exhibited.


Result: Approved

6.4 Resignations

The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education accept the following resignations:

Support Staff, at the conclusion of the 2023-2024 Contract Year

Jolinda Elchert, from Special Needs Aide only, contingent on Board approval of literacy aide contract

Victoria Goodale

Leah Harschuh

Daniel Ink

Matthew Sharpe, from Football Coaching, contingent on Board approval of In-School Suspension contract


Result: Approved

6.5 Approve Job Description

High School Dean of Students, as exhibited.


Result: Approved

6.6 Administrative Employment

The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education approve the following administrative contract(s):

Bradley Scheiber, High School Dean of Students, Step 6, effective with the 2024-2025 Contract Year


Result: Approved

6.7 Employ Professional Staff 2024-2025

The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education employ the following Professional Staff:

Substitute Teacher

Lisa Brashares

Lila Conley

Daniel Ink

Abbie Klotz, beginning 8/21/2024

Ashley Shaw


Result: Approved

6.8 Employ Support Staff 2024-2025

The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education employ the following Support Staff:

Special Needs Aide

Jillian Banks, Step 0, 6.5 hours/day, 185 days

Brandy Bridinger, Step 0, 7 hours/day, 154 days

Elizabeth Kimmet, Step 6, 7 hours/day, 185 days

Sarah Lenz, Step 0, 6.5 hours/day, 185 days

Lindsey Price, Step 1, 7 hours/day, 185 days, beginning 8//26/2024

Brittney Vanover, Step 0, 6.5 hours/day, 185 days

Food Service 4-Hour General Worker

Bridget Harman, Step 0

Bus Driver

Breanna R. Whittum, Step 0, 160 AM & PM  3.75hr  Pre-trip .25hr Daily  Fueling .25hr Weekly

4-Hour Night Sweeper

Dylan Fourtner, Step 0

In-School Suspension Monitor

Matthew Sharpe, Step 0


Kevin Sherer, Step 2, 7.5 hours/day

Seasonal Stadium Workers, as needed, $10.00 per hour

Kason Daily

Jack Newlove

Nevan Neuman

Ethan Reynolds

Zachary Shawberry

Bradley Williams

Substitute Custodian

Jerald Baker, beginning 8/21/2024

Substitute Educational Aide

Tamra Arter

Lisa Boehler

Lorrie Barchus

Emma Dean

Rhonda Hassinger

Daniel Ink

Substitute Bus Driver

Gregory Gase

Substitute Food Service

April Farley

Gene Englehart

Professional Development Trainer

Amber Plikerd, $28.60/hour, not to exceed 38 hours total

Casual Employees 2024-2025

Athletic and other Event Workers, as needed, payable from Student Activity and Agency funds upon certified completion of duties at amounts and rates to be determined and authorized by the appropriate administration.


Result: Approved

6.9 Contract Amendments

Lane Irving, Football, Ninth Grade (100%)

Matthew Sharpe, Football, Ninth Grade, Volunteer

Robin Paulus, move from Night Sweeper to 4-Hour Custodian

Jolinda Elchert, move from Special Needs Aide to Literacy Aide

Mollie Luidhardt, rescind Yearbook, High School stipend

Christina Joyce, amend to 205 days


Result: Approved

6.10 Stipends

The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education pay the following stipends, upon certified completion of duties:

Local Professional Development Committee, $500/year

Leigh Alvarado

Christina Joyce

Paula Pauly

Acadience Training, $300

Alison Scheiber

Sarah Cook

Tegan Wietrzykowski

Structures Training, $750

Kaitlyn Boehler


Result: Approved

6.11 Donations and Grants

The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education accept the following donations:


Sara Kessler donated school supplies valued at $75.00.

Kiwanis Club of Tiffin donated $200.00 to Camp Invention.

The Jean E. Egbert Memorial Scholarship of the Tiffin Community Foundation granted $1,000.00 to cover the expenses of a specified student who attended West Point Leadership Camp.



Result: Approved

6.12 Tournament Site Agreements

The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education authorize the Superintendent, Treasurer, and Athletic Director/Site Managers to enter into Tournament Site Agreements with the Ohio High School Athletic Association as needed during the 2024-2025 school year.


Result: Approved


7.1 Approve Seneca County Opportunity Center Excess Cost Agreement 2024-2025

As exhibited.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Victor Perez, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Meagan McBride, Board Member

Dustin Williams, Board MemberX  
Victor Perez, Board MemberX  
Dr. Meagan McBride, Board MemberX  
Larry Kisabeth, Board MemberX  
Heidi Stephey, Board MemberX  

7.2 Approve Team Trip

The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education approve an trip for the Girls' Varsity Cross Country team to Michigan State University on 9/14/2024.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Victor Perez, Board Member

Seconded: Larry Kisabeth, Board Member

Dustin Williams, Board MemberX  
Victor Perez, Board MemberX  
Dr. Meagan McBride, Board MemberX  
Larry Kisabeth, Board MemberX  
Heidi Stephey, Board MemberX  

7.3 Approve Re-Employment of Douglas Hartenstein

The Superintendent recommends the Tiffin City Board of Education re-employ Douglas Hartenstein on a one-year contract at $74,095.00 for the 2024-2025 Contract Year, such employment to be in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in the written contract document presented to this Board.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Larry Kisabeth, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Meagan McBride, Board Member

Dustin Williams, Board MemberX  
Victor Perez, Board MemberX  
Dr. Meagan McBride, Board MemberX  
Larry Kisabeth, Board MemberX  
Heidi Stephey, Board MemberX  

7.4 Approve Tiffin City Schools Instructional Framework


Result: Approved

Motioned: Heidi Stephey, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Meagan McBride, Board Member

Dustin Williams, Board MemberX  
Victor Perez, Board MemberX  
Dr. Meagan McBride, Board MemberX  
Larry Kisabeth, Board MemberX  
Heidi Stephey, Board MemberX  

7.5 Approve Updated Board Policies

Waive a first reading and approve the following updated Board Policies, as exhibited:

AC  Nondiscrimination

ACAA  Sexual Harassment

ACA  Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex

ACB  Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability

ACAA-R  Sexual Harassment Grievance Process

EDE-R  Computer/Online Services (Acceptable Use and Internet Safety)

EDE-E  Computer Network Agreement Form

CBC  Superintendent's Contract

AC-R  Discrimination Complaint Procedure

EDE  Computer/Online Services (Acceptable Use and Internet Safety)

JP  Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (Restraint and Seclusion)



Result: Approved

Motioned: Victor Perez, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Meagan McBride, Board Member

Dustin Williams, Board MemberX  
Victor Perez, Board MemberX  
Dr. Meagan McBride, Board MemberX  
Larry Kisabeth, Board MemberX  
Heidi Stephey, Board MemberX  

7.6 Approve Alvarado Consultant Agreement

As exhbited.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Victor Perez, Board Member

Seconded: Heidi Stephey, Board Member

Dustin Williams, Board MemberX  
Victor Perez, Board MemberX  
Dr. Meagan McBride, Board MemberX  
Larry Kisabeth, Board MemberX  
Heidi Stephey, Board MemberX  

7.7 Approve Perry Pro Tech Agreement

As exhibited.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Heidi Stephey, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Meagan McBride, Board Member

Dustin Williams, Board MemberX  
Victor Perez, Board MemberX  
Dr. Meagan McBride, Board MemberX  
Larry Kisabeth, Board MemberX  
Heidi Stephey, Board MemberX  


Board Assignments


Mr. Williams said the board had discussed board assignments during the work session.  He also stated he didn't want the board to lose visibility in not discussing board committee work/reports at board meetings.

Mr. Nadeau spoke about school being cancelled due to heat on Tuesday and Wednesday of the first week of school.


______ Dr. McBride
______ Mr. Perez
______ Mrs. Stephey
______ Mr. Kisabeth
______ Mr. Williams

Hold an Executive Session for one or more of the following matters to:
X a. consider the appointment___, employment X, dismissal___, discipline___, promotion___, demotion___, or compensation_____ of a public employee(s) or official(s)___, or consider the investigations of charges or complaints against a public employee(s)___, official(s), licensee(s) or "regulated individual(s)"___; unless the person(s) being investigated of charges or complaints requests a public hearing;
X b. consider the purchase or sale of public property if the public interest would be hurt by the premature disclosure of the information;
_____ c. confer with the public body's attorney for the purpose of considering disputes if a court action concerning the dispute is either pending or imminent;
_____ d. prepare for, conduct, or review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees;
_____ e. consider matters required by federal laws, or rules, or state statutes to be kept confidential;
_____ f. consider specialized details of security arrangements if the information could be used for criminal purposes.
_____ g. no action taken.
Time in:


Time in:  6:59 p.m.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Meagan McBride, Board Member

Seconded: Larry Kisabeth, Board Member

Dustin Williams, Board MemberX  
Victor Perez, Board MemberX  
Dr. Meagan McBride, Board MemberX  
Larry Kisabeth, Board MemberX  
Heidi Stephey, Board MemberX  


Return to open session.
Time out:


Time out:  8:04 p.m.


The Board business meeting is concluded.
Meeting started:
Meeting ended:

______ Dr. McBride
______ Mr. Perez
______ Mrs. Stephey
______ Mr. Kisabeth
______ Mr. Williams


Meeting started:  6:30 p.m.
Meeting ended:  8:05 p.m.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Victor Perez, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Meagan McBride, Board Member

Dustin Williams, Board MemberX  
Victor Perez, Board MemberX  
Dr. Meagan McBride, Board MemberX  
Larry Kisabeth, Board MemberX  
Heidi Stephey, Board MemberX  

11.1 Next Regular Meeting

The next regular meeting will be Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 6:30 PM in the Tiffin Middle School Cafetorium.


Section 5705.412, RC
IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the TIFFIN CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION, SENECA COUNTY, OHIO, to adopt any appropriation measure, make any qualifying contract, or increase during any school year any wage or salary schedule shown above, has in effect the authorization to levy taxes including the renewal or replacement of existing levies which, when combined with the estimated revenue from all other sources available to the district at the time of certification, are sufficient to provide the operating revenues necessary to enable the district to maintain all personnel and programs for all the days set forth in its adopted school calendars for the current fiscal year and for a number of days in succeeding fiscal years equal to the number of days instruction was held or is scheduled for the current fiscal year, as required by Section 5705.412.
President, Board of Education
Superintendent of Schools